I think autumn is upon us. One tree in the Arboretum is already turning red and orange and today we went bramble-picking. We're a few weeks ahead of schedule on this and I'm now eagerly looking out for ripe elderberries (nothing says autumn like elderberry soup served hot with crushed tvebakker, dried white buns). It should only be another week or so. Can you tell autumn is my favourite season?
My knitting projects are also reflecting the changing season. I work on Pine now and then but I've turned my attention to warmer things.
I have begun an Icelandic top in Lett Lópi which is working up wonderfully cosy. I started out thinking the wool was awfully scratchy but unlike other wools, New Lanark and Kauni spring to mind, Lett Lopi has not ripped up the skin on my lefthand fingers* and the fabric is squishy if in a very hairy way. Every time I put down my knitting I look as though I have been embraced by a giant English Sheepdog. There are worse looks to be had.
(* I am a Continental knitter)
The top itself is pretty straightforward. It's a bottom-up yokey thing with colourwork. Of course I had to complicate things slightly because a) I wanted a slightly different fit and b) I wanted sleeves as sleeved tops are more suited to the Scottish climate. Still, the knitting bit zips along and while the top is not very photogenic at this stage (it's a big white hairy lump), I know the finished top will be beautiful.
Future warm projects? I want a fingerless gloves and woolly hat set, and while I already know which yarns I'm likely to use (because I'm feeling unusually benevolent towards orange all of a sudden), I'm still looking at patterns. I've also managed to land myself a bag of Sirdar Peru in a rather fetching chilli red hue. To be honest I'm not a huge fan of woolblends but I have worked with the yarn before and thought it was lovely. I'm contemplating Francis Revisited (have you seen SmashingPuffin's reinterpretation? Cor!) as it'd work with the yarn, but I haven't quite settled on that. I seem to have a very specific idea of what I want so I might just sit down and work out my own thing. Wouldn't be the first time..
Finally, I can't remember if I've mentioned the latest Twist Collective? It's my favourite issue so far and I waiting for a busty gal to take on Ysolda's Vine Yoke Cardigan so I can decide whether to knit it or not. And I have stash yarn just perfect for Audrey in Unst! I'm just slightly concerned about the stash yarn being grey (and thus more Unst than Audrey).
But first I need to finish my top and I have a bramble/apple crumble just out from the oven..