word usage

Careful with Words

I'm not a huge gadget fan, but I love my green iPod, Darth Kermit. It's an old model, but it does the job every morning as I'm going to and fro work. However, I am yet to figure a way to make suitable playlists for Darth Kermit. I tend to make my playlists in the evenings when I'm a bit tired, a bit dozy and generally comfortable and content. This results in chilled-out playlists. Unfortunately I am in need of wake-me-up music in the mornings - preferably of the sparkly pop variety. I have tried to steer my playlist making in that general direction, but to no avail. Anyway, I have been listening to knitting podcasts instead. I listen to a lot of different ones - both current ones as well as a lot of old ones. I was listening to a relatively current one when I was jolted out of my morning sleepiness by the podcaster describing someone as being a bit "spazzy". Now, I realise that British English and American English are two very different things. I also realise that whilst I find expressions such as "that's spazzy" or "that's gay" very offensive, these types of expressions are accepted among certain young people who do not mean to be derogatory or offensive. The question is: do I contact the podcaster and point out that I find her language offensive .. or should I just let it slide and get less serious about words and meanings? I'm reminded of Josh Rouse's The White Trash Period of My Life in which he sings careful with words .. they are so meaningful. It is one of those songs I should never put on my iPod morning mix and yet I do.

My inbox delivered some delightful surprises this morning - lovely previews of the new Kim Hargreaves book, Misty, and the forthcoming Amy Butler yarn range - so even though I was stuck with melancholy songs and surprisingly derogatory knitting podcasts, I could enjoy my morning coffee and scone feeling a bit cheerful.

And So the Football Season Picked Up Its Golden Armour..

Can we agree on an ban on the word "epic" in the following context: "Cousin, however, scored an epic goal.."? Let's look at the definition of "epic":

Pronunciation: \ˈe-pik\ Function: adjective Etymology: Latin epicus, from Greek epikos, from epos word, speech, poem — more at voice Date: 1589

1: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an epic (an epic poem) 2 a: extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope (his genius was epic — Times Literary Supplement)

Thus, a football season of normal duration or a regular goal cannot be described as "epic", dear BBC Scotland football commentator. And I'm going to hit you with a hardback copy of The Iliad next time you employ the word incorrectly. And that will cause you epic pain, believe me.